Introduction: Famous Pieces of AI Generated Art
Here are some famous pieces of AI generated art. Have you ever wondered what famous figures from the distant past really looked like? San Francisco-based artist Nathan Shipley answers the question with his series of portraits. He uses historical paintings and illustrations as the framework for AI technology to create realistic renditions of notable leaders, musicians, and writers who all existed before the advent of photography.
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Shipley transforms painted portraits—or in the case of Benjamin Franklin, his image on the $100 bill—into three-dimensional faces that look like you could reach out and touch them. They include characteristics absent from the source materials, such as wrinkles and freckles. The addition of these attributes is vital in making these iconic folks feel real.
Also Read: Redefining Art with Generative AI
Since the AI is creating these portraits using certain parameters, models, and datasets, the results can vary with just a few adjustments to the variables. However, this challenge of finding the perfect fit is part of the fun for Shipley. “In creating this work, the journey is really the destination,” he says. “The process of learning, experimenting, and making is often more exciting than the finished result.”
Also Read: AI Generated Digital Painting from Start to Finish
Simon Colton
A machine learning program created by British artist and developer Simon Colton called ” The Painting Fool ” scans a variety of articles on a particular topic – such as (in one instance) the war in Afghanistan. The program finds images that are connected to keywords such as “British,” “troops,” and “NATO.”, and then puts them together to represent the mood and content of the subject. The Painting Fool’s work has been exhibited in many galleries and shows worldwide.
Source: YouTube
Is it possible that AI art generators have developed their own creative impulses? The answer to that question, however, is more complicated than that.
Robots are not all created equal, as all tech enthusiasts know. Certain systems are designed to perform certain tasks – such as working on an assembly line – while others are more sophisticated. There has been a growing blurring of the lines between automation and command, and Sophia is perhaps the most famous example.
Famous Robot Artists and Their Creations
While Sophia appears to have autonomous emotions and thought processes, she actually doesn’t; at least not yet. She is a superstar AI-powered humanoid robot. She does, however, have a recent gift for painting, as evidenced by the NFT portraits she has created in collaboration with Italian artist Andrea Bonaceto. Sofia uses elements of Bonaceto’s portraits , along with data input and her own drawing skills (you can watch her being taught to draw in this video ) to create her own unique digital art pieces. David Hanson, Sophia’s creator, explains how the artwork itself (Sophia) creates artwork.
Source: YouTube
Another superstar robot artist is Ai-Da, who uses a camera in her eye (combined with machine-learning algorithms) to create original portraits in expressionist and cubist styles. Ai-Da’s artwork was sold for over $1.3 million in 2019 at the Barn Gallery in Oxford, England.
Source: YouTube
As robots create art, they take advantage of machine-learning algorithms, robotic cameras, and drawing skills they have learned from humans – but developers insist that robot art reflects not only learned input, but also interpretations that are unique to each robot.
Artificial intelligence-generated artwork, however, can also be abused to proliferate spectacular imitations. Earlier this year, a machine learning platform created a series of images inspired by Banksy’s artwork. While the images are unique, their resemblance to Banksy’s work is striking. A lot of discussion has been generated about creative license versus copyright laws because of this type of stylistic mimicry.
Sougwen Chung uses AI, robots and her own skill to create works of art
Sougwen Chung is a visionary artist who likes to collaborate with AI, and robots, to create stunning pieces of art. Chung uses both her own hand and robots to “address the closeness between person-to-person and person-to-machine communication.” She was a former researcher at MIT Media Lab who decided to go it alone as an Artist in Resident at Bells Labs and New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York.
She and her machine’s work is incredibly beautiful and very thought-provoking.
Source: YouTube
Memo Akten is another visionary AI artist
Memo Akten is a London-based AI artist, researchers and “philomath” who uses AI to reflect on how we, as humans, make sense of the world. His body of work is astounding in its depth and breadth.
One example, though there are many, is called “Deep Meditations.” For this piece, a one-hour long immersive film, he trained a neural network to “see” images that represent some essential concepts of human life.
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Using a stock of images that he tagged as things like everything, world, universe, space, mountains, etc, the AI was left to its own devices to create its own representations of these terms. The results need to be seen to be believed.
Is It Ethical to Recognize AI art generators as Creative Artists?
It is already a time when robots will be drawing and painting. Artwork created by robots (and robot/human) teams, ranging from immersive murals to abstract pieces to epic collaborative works, is redefining how we experience art and technology. A growing number of galleries exhibit exclusively computer-generated artworks created by robots. Is it the robot, the person who created the robot, or the algorithms that create the artwork that is the real artist? Can these robots create their works independently, without human involvement?
Source: YouTube
Moreover, since much of robot art is created in collaboration with its creator or trainer, the lines of this debate are further blurred. Trainers or collaborators are often established artists, like the Sophia/Andrea Bonaceto collaboration. What portion of this work should be viewed as “original” to the robot’s creative impulses? Are we really collaborating with robots here, or is it simply human art created using robotic machines?
Humans do the same thing, channeling their knowledge and training to create works of art, although some might argue that robots simply channel what’s coded and uploaded to their systems. The creative behavior of each human being is also influenced by individual factors such as emotion, personality, and viewpoint – yet robots increasingly mimic and channel these factors as well.
Also Watch: 6 hours of robots!
Robots are now capable of creating art and making decisions about beauty. Vice visited one of the world’s leading robot artist builders Pindar Van Arman and he shows us how his machines see the world and make creative decisions as they paint.
Source: YouTube
Cloud Painter – A.I. Artist Pindar Van Arman and his Painting Robots.
Source: YouTube
Is AI generated art really art? Whether AI art generator create art or not, the same basic definitions of art should still apply, regardless of how (or by whom) the art was produced.