Content Guidelines
Artificial Intelligence + is an open, all inclusive platform for sharing thoughts, projects and experiences with AI, and to educate, share ones understanding of artificial intelligence in the professional field that may be helpful for others to read, connect and bounce ideas.
Editorial guidelines
Here are some best practices we suggest to help you have the greatest success with your articles:
Innovative, and thoughtful content welcome
Topics you care deeply about make the best posts, and we encourage you to highlight your own perspective — whether that comes from real-world experience, original research, or reporting in the field.
Introduce yourself
Let readers know who you are and what you write about by completely filling out the user profile bio and avatar that shows up at the top of every post. Please make sure you write a little about yourself, as it shows up in the bottom section of every article you have written. Please make sure you add platforms you would like to be contacted in this section for any future collaborations.
Title and Subtitle
Use an appropriate title and subtitle to best reflect your article and idea to help promote it in post listings on and off artificial intelligence + we strongly recommend scanning for typos before publishing and sharing.
When creating any heading in your content please use Heading 2. Please do not use Heading 1, this is reserved for your main title.
Images count
Posts with one or more quality images relevant to the content perform better on artificial intelligence + and when shared on other networks.
Double-check to make sure you’re not violating copyright or licensing with your images. Free resources like Pexels, Pixabay, and Unsplash are great for sourcing Creative Commons-licensed images.
Please make sure to cite your images when used from outside sources.
Example here –
source: Ryniu1234, via pixabay (CC0)
Please make sure the conclusion of your posts is concise to the point and informative. Please ensure the gist of the entire article is highlighted in your conclusion.
Post excerpt:
Please explain why your post matters in a line or two this content will show up on our site just below your article. Please make sure the excerpt is enticing enough for our users to click and read on the article.
Keep the conversation going
If you receive responses to your post, engage with your readers by responding to them and applauding for their responses, where appropriate.
Content Requirements
- Articles should not exist with the predominant purpose of driving traffic to an external website, business, or product. All included content must be relevant, substantial and informative.
- If you have received compensation, free goods/services, or anything of value in connection with the topic of a post, you must make this clear.
- Do not use content or images licensed as non-commercial in your posts.
- Do not post any content that you would copy or plagiarize, you are responsible for the content you write.
- If there are any issues reported your content will be deleted from the site.