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AI And The Future Of Work

AI And The Future Of Work

AI And The Future Of Work

AI and the future of work: By the end of 2021, artificial intelligence is estimated to provide $2.29 trillion in value for businesses throughout the world. In the same timeframe, an estimated 75% of all enterprise applications will take advantage of artificial intelligence and related technologies. About 80% of new technologies introduced now also use AI at its foundation. In one survey, 71% of leaders in organizations reported AI as being a true game-changer in the modern world. 

In this post, we take a look at how artificial intelligence will be changing the line of work and businesses in the upcoming years. 

Also Read: Real-world applications of artificial intelligence in web design.

Create New Jobs

There is a common complaint that artificial intelligence terminates the need for many jobs. While it is true that AI can do several tasks that employees are currently expected to perform, often at a much faster rate, this technology will be the bringer of new career opportunities in the future. 

It is important to consider the fact that for AI to work effectively, at least some human input is still required. When there is no human input, the AI may fail to operate normally – this means new opportunities will arise for individuals who can work with these systems. The opportunities will be related to coding, design, and technical factors of the servers that run the AI technology. 

The implementation of AI can help businesses perform certain tasks faster than before. When more can be done in less time, it ultimately leads to a higher profit gain. If a business makes more money, it has an opportunity to expand – opening new branches, which means new jobs will become available. 

Also Read: Impact Of Automation In Healthcare.


Another area where AI will play a role is in the training of employees or even customers. Setting up training programs and having to manually respond to queries, or perhaps responding to basic questions, take up a lot of time. The trainer can only handle a small number of individuals at a time due to the amount of time it takes to cater to all. 

With the rise of educational AI technologies, it will become significantly easier for trainers to deliver course materials to students in the future. Trainers can develop programs with the help of artificial technology. Chatbots can be developed to provide assistance to students. 

Chatbots have become quite advanced recently. They can be deep coded to ensure they can answer almost any question that the student has. Some AI technologies can be coded to automatically mark papers submitted by the trainees – which means the trainer can continue working on the production of great materials for the next course. 

Also Read: How Robots Are Taking Our Jobs!

Empowering Workers

Some people do fear the rise of AI, but this is not always the case. There are several scenarios where AI would rather help to empower employees in a corporate environment.

Several implementations of artificial intelligence help to automate certain functions. The employee was asked to do these tasks manually – and they are tedious, take a lot of time, and often cause the person to work late hours. By implementing AI technology, the employee can complete these tasks in less time. This means they will be able to go home on time – something that will create a sense of motivation in the employee. 

The employee also feels more productive when their tasks can be done on time – with no delays to report to the managers. Productivity is a key factor in a business environment. In this scenario, the employee may now be asked to take on additional responsibilities – ultimately affecting their performance at work, ensuring more tasks can be done, and giving the employee a higher sense of importance in the job they do. 

Also Read: How do you teach machines to recommend?

How Do We Adapt

One of the greatest challenges currently faced with the implementation of artificial intelligence is for businesses to adapt to the changes. While most companies are already using some form of AI, there are still about 20% not taking advantage of what artificial intelligence can offer. 

The first step is to learn what AI can bring to a business. Corporate leaders need to analyze the advantages of artificial intelligence but also consider how it can be used in their industry and niche. 

The next step is to determine how and where to implement AI. There are many tasks that can be handled with artificial intelligence. The leaders need to realize that AI can reduce the current workload on staff – giving the employees more time to focus on other tasks. This essentially leads to a boost in business growth – an aim that any corporate leader has in mind. 

Adapting to AI should happen gradually and with the appropriate training. This would ensure there is no confusion among managers, leaders, and employees once AI is implemented. 

Source: YouTube

Also Read: The Impact of AI on Workspaces.

Rapid technological progress

Rapid technological progress, particularly in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), is transforming the global employment landscape. AI is no longer a thing of the future but a tool shaping present-day workplaces. Its capabilities extend beyond automating routine tasks to simulating human intelligence, solving complex problems, enhancing decision-making, and even driving innovation. This progressive technology offers numerous opportunities and also presents certain challenges for the future of work.

In terms of opportunities, AI can boost economic productivity by optimizing business operations and opening up new markets. For instance, it allows businesses to process vast amounts of data more efficiently, enabling them to make informed decisions swiftly. AI can also help generate new job roles centered around managing and improving these AI systems. Companies that integrate AI successfully will likely enjoy a significant competitive advantage in the rapidly digitizing global economy.

On the flip side, the rise of AI might lead to the automation of a range of jobs, primarily those involving repetitive or routine tasks. This displacement can have far-reaching social implications, including job losses and skills mismatches. Thus, while AI is driving transformation, it’s essential to focus on training and education to prepare the workforce for the upcoming shifts. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills and education, society can ensure a smoother transition and inclusion in this rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Transforming Business for Economic Growth

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly pivotal role in transforming businesses, contributing to substantial economic growth. The integration of AI in businesses has led to new avenues for growth and efficiency.

It is not just about replacing human tasks with automated systems; it’s about enhancing these tasks to achieve optimal productivity. From streamlining operations to making strategic decisions based on predictive analytics, AI has become a cornerstone in the evolution of business practices.

AI can help transform businesses by introducing innovative services and products. It can lead to the development of new business models and strategies, helping organizations stay ahead in the competitive market.

For example, AI can help companies personalize their offerings based on customer data, thereby improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. With improved operational efficiency, businesses can redirect their resources to research and development, fostering innovation and ensuring sustained growth.

However, harnessing the power of AI for economic growth requires a strategic approach. Businesses must invest in AI technologies while also investing in people – training employees in new skills to work alongside AI.

In doing so, companies not only maximize the potential benefits of AI but also address some of the disruptive impacts of automation on jobs. Therefore, the role of AI in transforming businesses and promoting economic growth depends on a delicate balance between technological innovation and human capital development.

Addressing Key Societal Challenges

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the potential to address several key societal challenges, particularly within the realm of work and employment. As the world continues to navigate through an era of technological revolution, it’s crucial to recognize AI’s potential to resolve issues related to inequality, climate change, and global health, to name a few. These challenges, which have far-reaching implications for the world of work, can be significantly mitigated through strategic application of AI.

Inequality in access to opportunities is a major societal issue. AI can help bridge this gap by making education and training resources more accessible, preparing individuals for the digital job market. AI can help customize educational content to meet individual needs, breaking the one-size-fits-all approach, and addressing the diverse learning needs of the global workforce. Online platforms powered by AI can provide affordable and quality learning experiences to individuals, regardless of their geographical location or socio-economic status.

AI also has the potential to contribute to combating climate change – another pressing global challenge. AI can help optimize energy use in industries, reducing the carbon footprint of businesses. AI-based predictive maintenance can also increase the efficiency of machines, leading to less waste and lower emissions. In this way, AI can help industries become more sustainable, promoting green jobs and contributing to a greener economy.

In the context of global health, AI can revolutionize healthcare delivery, a sector that directly and indirectly impacts the world of work. AI can help predict disease outbreaks, enhance diagnostic accuracy, and personalize treatment plans. The integration of AI in healthcare can not only improve the health outcomes of workers but also create new job opportunities in the field of digital health. Thus, by addressing these societal challenges, AI can shape a better and more inclusive future of work.

2030: Significant Job Declines in Some Occupations

Cashiers: Automated checkout systems and online retail are diminishing the need for cashiers.

Manufacturing Workers: Robotics and automation are taking over repetitive tasks in manufacturing.

Data Entry Clerks: Automated data entry and processing software are becoming more prevalent.

Telemarketers: AI chatbots and automated messaging systems are replacing human telemarketers.

Bank Tellers: Online banking and ATMs are reducing the need for physical bank tellers.

Mail Carriers: Digital communication and automated delivery systems could impact this job sector.

Fast Food Workers: Automation in food preparation and ordering could reduce these roles.

Retail Salespersons: Online shopping and automated checkout systems are changing retail.

Truck Drivers: Autonomous driving technology could significantly impact this sector.

Printing Press Operators: Digital media continues to reduce the demand for printed materials.

Taxi Drivers: Ride-hailing apps and autonomous vehicles are impacting this industry.

Meter Readers: Automated meter reading technology reduces the need for manual readings.

Travel Agents: Online self-booking tools and AI recommendations are affecting this role.

Payroll Clerks: Automated systems are increasingly used for payroll management.

Bookkeepers: AI and automation are being used for financial record keeping.

Parking Enforcement Workers: Automated systems and digital parking solutions could reduce these roles.

Insurance Underwriters: AI can automate many of the risk assessment tasks in insurance.

Dispatchers: AI-powered logistics and routing software are changing this role.

Warehouse Workers: Robots and automated systems are transforming warehousing.

Assembly Line Workers: Automation and robotics are used for repetitive assembly tasks.

Loan Officers: AI can automate much of the loan evaluation process.

Receptionists: Automated scheduling and communication tools are affecting this role.

Newspaper Delivery Workers: Digital media and online news platforms continue to reduce demand for physical newspapers.

Textile Machine Workers: Automation and AI are increasingly used in textile production.

Farm Workers: Precision agriculture technologies and automation are transforming farming.

Teachers: With AI being used extensively in the field of education we will see some decline. 

Software Engineers: With Advent of AI tools like ChatGPT, LaMDA, and PaLM software engineering jobs are at risk. 

Key Workforce Transitions & Challenges

In the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the workforce is undergoing significant transitions, which are presenting both opportunities and challenges. Technological advancements are reshaping the way we work, demanding new skills and altering the nature of many jobs.

This trend towards digitalization and automation is creating a shift in the labor market, leading to the phasing out of certain jobs and the emergence of new ones, thus necessitating workforce transitions.

One key transition involves a shift from routine and manual roles to roles that involve complex problem-solving, creativity, and human interaction. As AI continues to automate routine tasks, the value of uniquely human skills is increasing. Jobs that involve critical thinking, decision-making, and emotional intelligence are expected to be in high demand.

In this context, the role of education and training systems is crucial in preparing the workforce for this shift. It’s important for these systems to adapt to changing labor market needs, focusing on providing individuals with the skills needed in the AI age.

However, these transitions pose significant challenges. One of the primary challenges is the potential for increased inequality. As AI and automation become more prevalent, there’s a risk that individuals and communities with lower levels of digital skills could be left behind.

This digital divide could exacerbate socio-economic disparities, with potentially significant societal implications. Therefore, it’s essential for policy measures to focus on ensuring equitable access to digital skills training and education.

Another significant challenge relates to job displacement. Despite the creation of new jobs, the risk of job losses due to automation is real. Sectors such as manufacturing, transportation, and administrative tasks that involve routine or repetitive tasks are particularly at risk.

Therefore, measures such as reskilling and upskilling programs, income support, and job transition assistance will be crucial in managing this displacement and ensuring a just transition for all workers.

AI Based Skillsets

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked significant shifts in the skill sets required in the contemporary labor market. As AI continues to transform various industries, certain skills are becoming increasingly important for individuals seeking to navigate this new landscape.

One of the fundamental skill sets involves understanding and proficiency in data literacy. With AI’s underpinnings heavily reliant on data, being able to understand, interpret, and manipulate data is critical. This includes familiarity with data analytics tools, statistical analysis, and the ability to translate data insights into actionable strategies. Besides, knowledge of machine learning algorithms and their applications, though not required for all, will be advantageous for many roles in this AI-driven era.

Another key skill in the age of AI is proficiency in programming languages. Understanding programming languages such as Python, which is commonly used in AI and machine learning, can open doors to various opportunities. Other languages that are increasingly in demand due to AI include R, Java, and C++. Knowledge of these languages can aid in both the development and application of AI solutions.

Apart from these technical skills, there’s a growing emphasis on “soft skills”. Even as AI becomes more sophisticated, there are aspects of work where humans excel, such as complex problem-solving, creativity, leadership, and emotional intelligence. These uniquely human skills are difficult to automate, making them extremely valuable in the workforce. Individuals who can blend technical expertise with these soft skills will likely be in high demand.

Lastly, the ability to adapt to new technologies and learn continuously is paramount in this era. The pace of AI development means that the technology and its applications are constantly evolving. Lifelong learning and adaptability are no longer optional; they’re necessary for career survival and growth. Embracing a growth mindset, staying curious about emerging technologies, and being ready to upskill are key in thriving amidst these rapid advancements.

Top Ten issues to solve

Skills Gap: The shift towards an AI-driven economy may leave many workers lacking the skills needed for new roles. Addressing this issue will require substantial investment in education and training.

Job Displacement: Automation and AI can lead to job losses in certain sectors, particularly those involving routine or repetitive tasks. Solutions may include creating new jobs in growing sectors and providing support for those affected by job displacement.

Inequality: The benefits of AI may not be evenly distributed, which could exacerbate socio-economic disparities. Addressing this issue requires ensuring equitable access to the opportunities created by AI.

Privacy and Data Security: As AI systems often rely on large amounts of data, ensuring the privacy and security of this data is paramount.

Ethics and Bias: AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate or amplify biases if not properly designed and monitored. It’s important to develop and enforce ethical guidelines for AI use.

Regulation: The rapid development of AI presents challenges for regulation, as current legal frameworks may not be adequate to address all the issues that arise from AI use.

Mental Health: The transition to AI-driven workplaces can be stressful for workers, potentially leading to increased mental health issues. It’s essential to consider and address the psychological impact of these transitions.

Work-Life Balance: With AI and digital technologies enabling more remote and flexible work, it’s important to establish boundaries to ensure a healthy work-life balance.

Collaboration between Humans and AI: Determining the most effective ways for humans and AI systems to collaborate is crucial to maximize productivity and job satisfaction.

Sustainability: As the use of AI increases, so does its environmental footprint, particularly in terms of energy use. It’s important to develop and use AI technologies in a way that supports environmental sustainability.

4 Critical Points For AI And The Future Of Work

Reimagining the Future of Work

As we navigate the evolving digital landscape, it’s crucial that we engage in reimagining the future of work. This means not merely adapting to changes brought about by AI and automation, but actively shaping how these technologies can be integrated into our work environments. It involves creating new ways of working that leverage the capabilities of AI, while also promoting human skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.

This future of work should prioritize flexibility, inclusivity, and lifelong learning. As we reimagine work, we should consider how it can be designed to be fulfilling, equitable, and sustainable, ensuring that technological advancements serve to enhance our work lives, not diminish them.

Revamping Income Structures

Revamping income structures is a crucial aspect of adjusting to the new world of work shaped by AI and automation. Traditional salary models, often hinged on hours spent on a job, may not be relevant or equitable in a world where automation can drastically enhance productivity. Innovative income models may need to consider a host of factors including the nature of tasks, the blend of AI and human skills used, and the roles individuals play in managing and mentoring AI systems.

In light of this, we might see a growing relevance of alternative income strategies such as universal basic income, as we strive to safeguard equitable economic outcomes. This redesign of income structures should focus on the fair distribution of wealth created by AI and automation, ensuring the broader benefits of these technological leaps are shared equitably across society.

Boosting Factors that Stimulate Job Demand

As the landscape of work undergoes significant transformation due to AI and automation, there’s a pressing need to boost factors that stimulate job demand. One approach is investing in industries of the future, such as clean energy, healthcare, and advanced technology sectors, which are expected to drive significant job growth.

Another important factor is promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, as new businesses are often a major source of job creation. Skill development and education that align with market needs can also stimulate job demand by ensuring a workforce ready to fill emerging roles. Policy interventions, such as incentives for businesses to hire and train workers in high-demand fields, can be another powerful tool in this endeavor. By focusing on these elements, we can ensure a robust job market even in the face of rapidly advancing automation.

Cultivating Business Agility

In the rapidly evolving digital economy, cultivating business agility is key to maintaining competitiveness and relevance. This implies businesses need to be adaptable, capable of quickly responding to changes brought about by AI and automation. A primary component of business agility is the ability to rapidly integrate new technologies, such as AI tools, into existing operations to improve efficiency and unlock new opportunities.

Embracing a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the organization is another crucial aspect, allowing companies to stay ahead of industry trends and technological developments. Companies should also strive to cultivate a flexible workforce, equipped with a diverse skill set that allows swift adaptation to changing business needs. By focusing on these elements, businesses can ensure they remain robust and resilient in the face of technological advancements.

Transforming Educational Systems

The advent of AI and automation technologies signals the need for a profound transformation of our educational systems. Schools, colleges, and universities must revisit their curricula to prepare students for a workforce increasingly shaped by these technologies. Integrating subjects such as data literacy, coding, and AI ethics into the curriculum from an early age is one step towards this transformation.

Beyond these technical skills, educational institutions should also prioritize the development of critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence — skills that complement technical knowledge and are less susceptible to automation. Emphasizing lifelong learning is another critical aspect, preparing students for a future where continuous skill acquisition and adaptability are paramount. By making these changes, our educational systems can equip future generations with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to navigate a world shaped by AI.

Conclusion: AI And The Future Of Work

Artificial intelligence has already made its way into more than half of modern enterprise apps. The technology continues to grow and is now considered smarter than ever before. In the upcoming years, we will see more implementations of AI in the corporate environment, creating additional job opportunities, helping with training, and ensuring workers can be empowered. 

As we navigate towards a future with AI and automation, there is no doubt that human workers will experience significant shifts in their roles. The rise of AI-driven automation and advances in automation technologies such as neural networks and deep learning are transforming industrial automation, elevating it to new heights. While automation technology can perform routine tasks more efficiently, complex tasks that involve understanding nuanced human behavior or making strategic decisions still require human capabilities.

Business leaders are increasingly recognizing this fact, recalibrating the hiring process to accommodate the changing dynamics of human labor and job growth in the age of AI. They are focusing on roles that can maximize the benefits of automation while also leveraging human skills that are difficult to automate. They understand that the return on investment for AI-enabled business investments is not just about replacing human roles with automation, but also about augmenting human capabilities with AI, thereby creating new AI-related jobs.

Policy makers too have a critical role to play in this transition. As worker transitions become more prevalent due to the rise of AI and automation, economic policies must be geared towards supporting these transitions. From creating safety nets for workers displaced by automation to investing in training programs to prepare workers for AI-related jobs, policy interventions will be crucial.

Yet, it’s not just about policy makers and business leaders; it’s also about individuals embracing adaptive and life-long learning. As the private sector continues to invest in AI and automation adoption, individuals need to invest in their skills, preparing themselves for the foreseeable future. This includes learning about new technologies such as neural networks and deep learning, as well as honing the human skills that complement these technologies.

Automation through AI is poised to bring about profound changes in the world of work. However, by leveraging the unique strengths of both AI and humans, we can navigate these changes effectively. It’s about integrating the capabilities of AI with the creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence of humans. In doing so, we can shape a future where AI and humans work together, driving productivity and innovation in ways we’ve yet to imagine.


Autor, David H., et al. The Work of the Future: Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Press, 2022.

Daugherty, Paul R., and H. James Wilson. Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI. Harvard Business Press, 2018.

Lee, Kai-Fu, and Chen Qiufan. AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future. Currency, 2021.