
Artificial intelligence in Journalism.



Artificial intelligence in journalism is now a reality. Artificial intelligence has entered almost all aspects of our lives, including journalism. Due to the advent of digital media, we unknowingly consume content based on artificial intelligence everywhere. Whether it’s YouTube’s recommended videos, your Facebook feed, or the kinds of advertisements you see on regular websites, they are all specially catered to you with the use of AI. 

Similarly, AI is now entering the field of journalism, too. Due to social media’s influence, the role of artificial intelligence in journalism has increased significantly. Hence, media companies are actively seeking out help from AI to boost up their content. 

Keep reading to know more about artificial intelligence in journalism. 

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Journalism.

For many years, media outlets had to depend on expert journalists to write news articles or report on events every day. I don’t mean to say this is no longer the case, but there are new strategies for content creation and basic communications thanks to AI. There is an increasing number of mundane articles, or articles that are merely reports, written by AI so that professional journalists can focus on writing more in-depth articles. 

With automated writing being a notable development. AI algorithms have the capability to generate news reports, particularly for topics that involve structured, predictable data such as financial reports, sports scores, or weather updates. Known as automated or robot journalism, this technology allows for the rapid generation of accurate, data-driven news articles with minimal human intervention.

Artificial intelligence has greatly helped journalism in the past few years. Many companies have in-house software that can generate news articles in minutes, if not seconds. All artificial intelligence needs is data. Now, this data can either be in the form of digits, audio, or video. The software will be able to generate newsworthy articles on them. 

Major media outlets like the Washington Post, BBC, and Bloomberg are using AI to publish news articles with the help of language software. Suppose you feed any kind of data into an AI application, for instance, the details of a company’s assets. In that case, the software will automatically interpret the numbers and give you an article that’s ready to be published. 

Automated Writing Process

The process of automated writing involves several stages. AI algorithms first collect and analyze relevant data. For example, in sports journalism, AI would gather data like team names, scores, key events, and player statistics. The algorithms then structure this data into a coherent narrative, following predefined templates. The result is an article that presents the facts of the event in a clear and understandable manner. Importantly, the tone, style, and complexity of the language can be adjusted to suit different audiences or platforms.

Efficiency and Productivity

One of the primary benefits of automated writing in journalism is the increase in efficiency and productivity. AI can produce articles in a fraction of the time that a human journalist would take, and it can do this 24/7 without breaks. This enables news outlets to publish stories almost immediately after an event occurs, thus providing real-time updates to their readers. In addition, AI can generate multiple versions of the same story for different platforms or audiences, thereby maximizing reach and impact.

Freeing Journalists for Complex Tasks

By automating routine reporting tasks, AI allows human journalists to focus on more complex and creative aspects of journalism. Reporters can invest more time in conducting in-depth investigations, interviewing sources, or crafting engaging narratives that go beyond the basic facts. This mix of AI and human journalism can lead to a richer and more diverse news landscape.

Limitations and Concerns

Despite its potential, automated writing also has limitations and raises concerns. AI-generated articles are essentially data-driven and thus best suited for factual, quantitative reporting. They lack the human touch needed for nuanced analysis, contextual understanding, and emotional storytelling. Moreover, issues like algorithmic bias and misinformation need to be carefully managed. There’s also a concern about job displacement in the journalism industry, although some argue that AI will create new roles even as it automates others.

Nonetheless, the role of artificial intelligence in journalism is increasingly positive and helps the world stay immediately updated. 

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence and disinformation.

Artificial intelligence has proven itself to be an invaluable tool in identifying trends within vast amounts of data. For journalists, this presents an opportunity to spot developing narratives, emerging patterns, or significant changes in public sentiment or behavior at an unprecedented scale. AI algorithms can process and analyze thousands of articles, social media posts, or other forms of public communication, identifying recurring themes, keywords, or sentiments. This can help journalists spot emerging trends before they become mainstream, giving them a competitive edge in breaking news stories or driving public conversation.

For instance, AI can aid in tracking shifts in public opinion on social issues or political candidates, based on analysis of social media feeds or comments on news articles. AI can also be instrumental in financial journalism, where it can spot trends or anomalies in market data that might signify an upcoming shift in the economy. Essentially, any area of journalism that deals with large data sets can benefit from AI’s ability to discern patterns and trends.

Spotting Bias with AI in Journalism

AI can also be used to detect and mitigate bias in news reporting. Bias in journalism can be subtle and unintentional, stemming from the personal beliefs or cultural backgrounds of journalists, or from the predominance of certain viewpoints within the media industry. AI algorithms can be trained to recognize various forms of bias, such as favoritism towards a political party, gender bias, racial bias, or bias in the coverage of specific topics. By analyzing the choice of words, the framing of headlines, the allocation of coverage, and other aspects of news reporting, AI can provide an objective assessment of potential bias.

For instance, an AI tool could flag if certain topics are predominantly reported from a negative perspective, or if certain groups are consistently underrepresented in news coverage. Such tools can help news organizations maintain their commitment to fair and balanced reporting, and can also provide valuable insights for media researchers studying bias in journalism.

Also Read: Using artificial intelligence to make publishing profitable.

Personalized design for readers.

The framework that AI uses to create personalized designs for readers is the same as the framework used for any other social media platform. Basically, AI bots can detect how frequently a reader reads a certain section of a newspaper. These bots can also detect the type of articles, the nature of the newspaper, and the demographic of the audience, among other things.

These sections can include things like the kinds of pages more time is spent on by a user, the nature of the pages, and all details linked to any online presence that the user has. Thus, AI collects all this information and generates personalized designs that would appeal to the reader based on the reader’s previous preferences. 

AI can especially help those news outlets that primarily operate through an online framework. One of the things that they will not have to worry about will be the newspaper’s organization as every article will have its special link that would be catered to the reader. 

The fact that artificial intelligence can now customize designs for readers means web journalists will not have to put in the extra effort to make their articles sound and look more appealing. It will also reduce the need for journalists or for marketing companies to painstakingly pick out articles that would appeal to the masses because AI can now cater to individuals. 

Today, companies are also using RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to gain more insight into the markets and their needs. Not only can robots give replies to customer queries, but they can also generate reports and collect data based on their interaction with the customers. This helps the companies market their products better, which is, in this case, journalism. 

Also Read: Real-world applications of artificial intelligence in web design.

Event Detection

Artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up new possibilities for event detection in journalism. The ability of AI algorithms to constantly monitor and analyze vast amounts of data from different sources enables journalists to identify and report on significant events in real-time. This involves processing information from various channels such as news websites, social media platforms, government databases, and sensor networks, to name a few.

Real-time Event Detection

Advanced AI algorithms can sift through this data to identify unusual activity, significant shifts, or emerging trends that could signify an important event. For instance, a sudden spike in social media posts about a specific location could indicate a protest, a natural disaster, or a major incident. Similarly, fluctuations in financial data could signal a significant market event. This real-time event detection capability enables journalists to stay on top of breaking news and provide timely, accurate reporting.

Contextual Understanding and Verification

AI doesn’t just detect events; it also helps understand them in their proper context. By cross-referencing information from multiple sources, AI can help verify the occurrence of an event and provide additional insights. For instance, in the case of a reported incident, AI could cross-verify details from social media, local news outlets, and relevant databases to confirm the event and gather more information.

This context-aware processing helps in separating false alarms or misinformation from real events, a crucial aspect in today’s era of ‘fake news’. Thus, AI not only enhances the speed and reach of journalism but also its reliability and credibility.

Personalized Event Detection

Another exciting application of AI in event detection is personalization. AI algorithms can learn a user’s preferences and interests based on their past behavior, and then highlight events that match these interests. This could involve tracking topics, locations, or people that the user frequently reads about and notifying the user when a significant event occurs related to these areas of interest.

Automated stories

The Advent of Automated Stories in Journalism

Artificial intelligence has introduced a new phenomenon in journalism, known as automated or robotic journalism. In this process, AI algorithms generate news stories based on structured data input, such as sports scores, financial reports, or weather forecasts. These algorithms can transform raw data into coherent, readable text that closely resembles human writing. This has opened the door to the production of a vast amount of content in a short time, enabling news organizations to deliver timely news articles at a scale previously unimaginable.

The Mechanics of Automated Stories

Automated story generation involves several steps. It begins with data collection, where the AI algorithms ingest structured data from various sources. This data is then processed and analyzed, with the AI identifying the most significant or newsworthy points. Following this, the AI uses predefined templates and natural language generation (NLG) techniques to convert these data points into a narrative that readers can understand and engage with.

AI can even tailor the style and complexity of the language to suit different audiences, ensuring that the content remains accessible and relevant. For instance, a report on a football match could be simplified for a casual reader or made more detailed for a sports enthusiast.

Implications of Automated Stories

Automated journalism has significant implications for the media industry. On one hand, it allows for the rapid generation of factual, accurate reports, particularly for topics involving large amounts of structured data. This can free up human journalists to focus on more complex and creative reporting tasks, such as investigative journalism or in-depth feature writing.

On the other hand, the rise of automated journalism also raises concerns. While AI can produce factual reports, it may lack the depth of analysis, context, and human touch that a human journalist brings to a story. Additionally, the potential for job displacement and the ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated content are significant points of discussion in the industry.

Real-time transcriptions

Real-time transcriptions facilitated by artificial intelligence have become a game-changer in journalism. These tools convert spoken language into written text instantaneously, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of journalistic processes. Whether it’s for documenting interviews, live reporting, or creating subtitles for video content, real-time transcription technology significantly improves a journalist’s ability to handle audio and video data.

The Process of AI-Powered Transcriptions

The core technology behind real-time transcriptions is automatic speech recognition (ASR), which converts spoken words into written text. Advanced AI models are trained on vast amounts of data from various sources, allowing them to recognize different accents, dialects, and languages. As a result, they can transcribe speech with impressive accuracy, even in challenging conditions such as noisy environments or over bad phone connections.

AI transcription tools also come with features that enhance the transcription process. For instance, they can distinguish between multiple speakers, track timestamps, and even identify specific entities or keywords. They can also learn and improve over time, getting better at understanding a specific user’s speech patterns and making fewer mistakes in transcription.

Impact on Journalism

AI-powered real-time transcriptions have several significant impacts on journalism. Firstly, they streamline the process of documenting interviews or press conferences, saving journalists the time and effort of manually transcribing recordings. This allows journalists to focus more on analysis and storytelling rather than administrative tasks.

Secondly, real-time transcriptions can support live reporting, where journalists need to deliver updates as events are unfolding. For instance, they can provide captions for live video broadcasts or assist in the creation of live blogs or social media updates.

Finally, transcription tools enhance the accessibility of journalistic content. By providing accurate captions for video content or transcripts for audio content, they ensure that the content is accessible to a broader audience, including individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Story Summaries

Artificial intelligence has found another impactful application in journalism: the creation of story summaries. AI algorithms can process a full-length news article and generate a concise, informative summary that captures the main points of the story. This tool has become increasingly valuable in today’s fast-paced world, where readers often prefer to skim through summaries before deciding to read the complete article.

AI Summarization Process

The process of generating story summaries involves Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, which allow AI to understand, interpret, and generate human language. AI algorithms parse the full text of an article, identify the key ideas, and then construct a summary that accurately represents the original content.

There are two main approaches to text summarization in AI: extractive and abstractive. Extractive summarization involves selecting key sentences from the original text and stringing them together to form a summary. Abstractive summarization, on the other hand, involves generating new sentences to convey the same meaning, which is a more complex task but can produce more coherent and readable summaries.

Impacts and Benefits

The use of AI for story summarization offers several benefits to both news organizations and their audiences. For news providers, AI-generated summaries can increase engagement and retention by providing readers with a quick overview of the story, which may entice them to read the full article. AI can also generate summaries at scale, helping news providers manage large volumes of content more efficiently.

For readers, AI-generated summaries offer a convenient way to consume news. They can quickly scan through multiple summaries to stay updated on a broad range of topics, and then choose to delve deeper into the stories that interest them most. This is particularly useful in the digital age, where readers are often overwhelmed by the amount of information available.

Image recognition

Artificial intelligence has now entered the domain of image recognition in journalism, opening up a new frontier for news gathering and content creation. Image recognition, a subfield of computer vision, allows AI to identify and classify elements within an image. For journalists, this means the ability to analyze and interpret visual data at an unprecedented scale and speed, from identifying individuals in a crowd to detecting patterns across thousands of images.

AI Image Recognition Process

The image recognition process starts with AI algorithms ingesting an image and breaking it down into identifiable features. Advanced algorithms, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), excel at this task, learning to recognize complex patterns in visual data. They can identify objects, people, text, and even sentiments or activities within an image. The AI then classifies these elements based on its training data and returns the identified entities.

This technology has far-reaching implications for journalism. For instance, it can aid in fact-checking by verifying the authenticity of an image or identifying when and where it was taken. AI can also assist in uncovering stories by analyzing large volumes of visual data, such as social media images, satellite photos, or surveillance footage, identifying patterns or anomalies that might signify a newsworthy event.

Impacts and Possibilities

Image recognition can augment a journalist’s capabilities in several ways. It can help sift through vast visual databases to find relevant images for a story, saving precious time and resources. AI can identify key elements in an image, such as logos or landmarks, which can provide useful context or clues in investigative journalism. Additionally, AI tools can automatically tag images with metadata, facilitating easier search and organization of visual assets within a news organization.

In the realm of investigative journalism, AI image recognition can be a powerful tool. For example, examining satellite images can reveal significant environmental changes, human rights abuses, or military activities that may otherwise go unnoticed. By identifying these trends, journalists can break critical stories that may have a significant societal impact.

Automated shortlists

These AI-constructed lists range from potential interview candidates and story leads to comprehensive resources for deep investigative pieces. The primary role of these shortlists is to streamline the journalistic process, allowing professionals to concentrate on crafting engaging narratives and conducting detailed analysis.

AI-Created Shortlists: The Process

Automated shortlists materialize as AI algorithms process vast amounts of data, pinpointing items that fit pre-specified criteria. Natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and data analytics are instrumental branches of AI involved in this operation.

Consider the task of curating a list of potential sources for a story. The AI, armed with NLP and ML, can scour the internet, databases, and social media platforms, identifying individuals with expertise in the subject matter or those who have publicly expressed views about the topic. Subsequently, the journalist receives a curated list of potential sources, including contact details and brief backgrounds.

AI Shortlists in Journalism: The Impact

The use of AI-generated shortlists offers several advantages in the realm of journalism. One significant benefit is the time saved – the tedious process of research and data collection can be handled efficiently by the AI, freeing up the journalist’s time. In addition, the vast data processing capabilities of AI ensure comprehensive data analysis, increasing the likelihood of discovering valuable leads or sources.

Another critical advantage is the mitigation of unconscious bias. When AI algorithms are entrusted with the task of identifying story leads or sources, the resulting selection is typically broader and more objective.

Transcribing Audio and Video Interviews

The technology, based on automatic speech recognition (ASR), converts spoken language into written text almost instantaneously. This advancement is revolutionizing the field by making the documentation and interpretation of interviews significantly more efficient and accurate.

How AI Transcriptions Work

Automatic Speech Recognition is the cornerstone of AI transcription. AI models, trained on extensive data sets sourced from various contexts, are capable of transcribing spoken language into text. These AI algorithms are adept at recognizing a wide range of accents, dialects, and languages, making them valuable tools even in challenging audio conditions, such as background noise or poor audio quality.

AI transcription tools often come with enhanced features designed to streamline the transcription process. For instance, they can distinguish between different speakers, log timestamps, and even identify specific entities or keywords. Furthermore, these tools are designed to learn and improve with use, refining their understanding of specific user’s speech patterns and thereby increasing transcription accuracy over time.

AI Transcriptions in Journalism: The Impact

AI-powered transcriptions have several significant impacts on journalism. Primarily, they speed up the process of documenting interviews or press conferences, saving journalists time and effort spent on manual transcriptions. This efficiency allows journalists to focus more on the narrative and analytical aspects of their work.

AI transcription also plays a significant role in live reporting. Journalists can deliver real-time updates from unfolding events by leveraging these tools to provide captions for live video broadcasts or creating live blogs or social media updates.

An additional benefit is the enhancement of content accessibility. By providing accurate captions for video content or transcripts for audio content, journalism becomes more inclusive, catering to a wider audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

AI as Click Bait Detectors

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a potent tool in combating a pervasive issue in digital journalism: clickbait. Clickbait refers to misleading or sensationalized headlines designed to entice readers to click on a link, often leading to content of lesser quality or relevance. AI, equipped with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, has been employed as a clickbait detector to identify and filter out such content, ensuring that readers receive high-quality, relevant news.

AI Clickbait Detection Process

The process of detecting clickbait with AI involves NLP and machine learning algorithms. AI models are trained on large datasets consisting of both clickbait and non-clickbait headlines. By identifying patterns, phrases, and structures typically found in clickbait, the AI learns to distinguish between clickbait and legitimate news headlines.

Machine learning models such as decision trees, support vector machines, or neural networks are commonly used for this task. These models analyze the headline text, often considering factors like sentiment, complexity, and structure. More advanced models may also evaluate the content of the linked article to determine whether the headline accurately represents the content.

Impact of AI Clickbait Detectors in Journalism

The application of AI as a clickbait detector offers several benefits to both news providers and consumers. For news providers, it helps maintain a reputation for quality and credibility by ensuring that misleading content does not reach their readers. It can also aid in moderating user-generated content, such as comments or submitted articles, by filtering out clickbait.

For readers, AI clickbait detectors can enhance their online reading experience by minimizing exposure to low-quality or misleading content. This can save readers time and prevent frustration, encouraging trust and engagement with digital news platforms.

AI Detecting Fake News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a potent tool in the fight against fake news in journalism. Fake news, which comprises false information presented as legitimate news, poses a significant threat to the credibility of the media and can have far-reaching societal consequences. AI algorithms, leveraging techniques from natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, have been designed to identify and flag such unreliable content, maintaining the integrity of news.

AI’s Role in Detecting Fake News

The detection of fake news with AI involves a complex process of evaluating several aspects of a news piece. AI models, trained on extensive datasets of both fake and genuine news articles, are designed to recognize patterns typical of deceptive information. These models examine various features, such as the headline, the content, the source credibility, the writing style, and even the images associated with the news piece.

NLP and machine learning techniques are used extensively in this process. For instance, NLP can be used to analyze the sentiment, complexity, and structure of the text, while machine learning algorithms, like decision trees, support vector machines, or deep neural networks, learn to distinguish between fake and genuine news.

Impacts of AI in Fake News Detection

The ability of AI to detect fake news has numerous implications for journalism. For news organizations, AI tools can help maintain their credibility by preventing the dissemination of fake news. This is particularly important in today’s fast-paced news environment, where the pressure to publish quickly can sometimes lead to inadequate fact-checking.

For readers, AI-powered fake news detectors can improve the quality of the news they consume. By filtering out misleading content, these tools can save readers from the confusion and misinformation that fake news can cause.

Source: YouTube


To sum it all up, artificial intelligence is a great tool that has many benefits for the field of journalism. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into journalism is undeniably transforming the news industry. By deploying sophisticated language models and a variety of AI-driven tools, many mundane and time-consuming tasks have been automated, leading to a paradigm shift in news operations. These innovations have greatly benefited news organizations, enabling them to streamline their workflows and increase efficiency.

News automation, facilitated by AI, has made significant strides in various newsroom roles. AI has been leveraged for a myriad of applications, ranging from spotting trends and biases, event detection, automated story creation, to real-time transcription of audio and video interviews. Moreover, AI’s role in battling clickbait and fake news has been noteworthy, promoting credibility and reliability in news reporting.

Simultaneously, technology news has seen an uptick in reporting on the advancement of AI itself, illustrating its growing significance not just within journalism but across numerous industries and sectors. This has created a symbiotic relationship between AI and the news industry, where advancements in AI aid journalism, and in turn, investigative reporting on AI contributes to public understanding of this transformative technology.

However, as computational journalism continues to evolve, the importance of human intelligence and supervision remains paramount. AI is an incredibly powerful tool, but its application in journalism should be carefully managed to ensure ethical considerations and journalistic integrity are upheld. Ultimately, AI should be seen as an augmentation to human journalism, not a replacement, enhancing the capabilities of journalists to deliver high-quality, accurate, and timely news events coverage.

As we move forward, the interplay between AI and journalism will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of the news industry. With the constant evolution of AI technology, it is an exciting time to witness and participate in the transformations that lie ahead in the world of journalism.


Diakopoulos, Nicholas. Automating the News: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Media. Harvard University Press, 2019.

Du, Roselyn. Algorithmic Audience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Tailored Communication, Information Cocoons, Algorithmic Literacy, and News Literacy. AEJMC – Peter Lang Scholarsourcing Series, 2023.

Marconi, Francesco. Newsmakers: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism. Columbia University Press, 2020.

Thurman, Neil, et al. Algorithms, Automation, and News: New Directions in the Study of Computation and Journalism. Routledge, 2021.