AI and the Entertainment Industry

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Introduction: AI and the Entertainment Industry

The entertainment and media industry has usually been at the forefront of adopting new technologies and integrating them to develop new trends in the entertainment media. Artificial Intelligence, more commonly dubbed as AI, is one such technology that has massively changed the course of many processes and frameworks in the entertainment industry paradigm. 

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The creatives, finances, technical, legal, editorial, and all other aspects of the entertainments media industry are more or less progressing under this new AI regime. 

So how does an AI-supported entertainment industry function? Here’s a step-by-step model of how the AI and entertainment industry go together!

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Planning entertainment content has never been easy. Throughout the years, cultures, and content planning techniques, there have always been unprecedented difficulties and challenges that have given producers, directors, and the talent a hard time executing their ideas! 

Yet, regardless of the medium, genre, or duration, it takes all your blood and sweat to plan something truly worth the hype.

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In recent years, the various sub processes in the planning phase of the entertainment industry have slowly moved towards automation with the help of Artificial Intelligence. 

Preproduction basics such as storyboarding, budget planning, recce, production aspects, including lighting, camera, and positioning, and postproduction works including poster designs, promotion, data analyses have been a lesser hassle to plan where AI has intervened. 

Take Netflix, for instance. All the content uploaded on the platform uses AI software programs to identify the best posters for different ratios. The system consists of all the frames in a single episode or movie and identifies the most prominent commonality. 

It then considers the number of characters, colorfulness, action, obscenity, nudity, textual representation, and other elements to pick and merge frames to create the best poster design possible!

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Data Acquisition

What does data have to do with the entertainment you get on your screens? Well, many entertainment producers go under because they neglect or undermine the importance of using data to improve their content. 

Data is everywhere here. The average cost of arranging various equipment is data. The price calculations for subscriptions and tickets are data. The viewership stats are data. The hashtags that trend on Twitter are data. Unique patterns in your content are data!

Considering the massiveness and abstractness of data in entertainment, using AI seems almost second nature to a growing number of modern-day producers. 

It helps formulate patterns and make predictions with relative ease and reliability, reduces the burden on creators, and allows them to make more confident and trustworthy decisions in any project!

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Spend Optimization

Once the entire content is planned with proper data consideration, the next big beast to tackle is the expenditure. In an environment where there are countless ways of making the product creatively and financially appealing, producers need an iron-clad way of knowing exactly what to spend on. 

Luxuries in the entertainment sector are never-ending, but your budget certainly is. Therefore, AI helps content creators and media house owners decide how they’re going to split their budget and create a strong spend optimization plan!

The use of various AI-assisted tools has often been at the crux of intelligent and efficient spend optimization. In both large- and small-scale projects, these technologies have provided creators and talent with an insight into how they can minimize unfruitful expenditure and instead redirect the intended asset spending into something more profitable or safer in the longer run

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Closed-Loop Attribution

Okay, now let’s have a look at the postproduction phase of any entertainment project. You’ve planned, experimented, and executed your ideas, and now it’s time to put it forth for others within the media fraternity to observe, comment, and rate. 

The idea here is to channel marketing strategies, create promotional mechanisms, identify sales streams, and pave the path for a resilient and robust content outreach to your target audience. Closed-loop attribution revolves around understanding how your piece of content will fare under various market conditions and in the presence of different audience preferences.

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Here, too, AI has proved helpful in forging meaningful relations and causality chains for content creators and managers. Besides factoring in manual considerations, AI also helps you achieve microscopic precision in closed-loop attributions that help you get the best possible results with almost any type of content.

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The final stage before you conclude a project. Also, the stage where producers often desperately look for their Eureka moment because it’s often the hardest to get in those last-minute, finalizing, crucial decisions without spiraling into bouts of unwarranted anxiousness. 

Often, the pressure in those final moments of your project is so high and demanding that it just becomes easier to mess up than it was when you were planning or executing the project. 

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At this stage, there are countless ‘What ifs’ running through your head, and each one is more disorienting than the previous one. 

In this case, relying on AI to automate a staggering number of jobs for you almost sounds like a treat, right? Once all your effort has snowballed into a final product, the technology can give a final shove to get your product officially rolling!

Conclusion: AI and the Entertainment Industry

Technology and entertainment might have been poles-apart streams in the past, but they’re not so alien to each other anymore. 

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The evolution of cultural representation in entertainment media has been paralleled with the advancements in artificial intelligence and intelligent filming tools, but they’re now coming together to create a unified and brand-new thematic experience for those who engage in entertainment media and are curious as to what the future of an AI-integrated entertainment media holds.

From project planning to the middle stages of executing on camera and off-camera talent to the very last stages of final execution and release, AI’s help and assistance to the entertainment sector surely deserve more attention and appreciation. 

Luckily, there’s still a long way to go, so we can expect more advanced AI integrations in entertainment media in the future and observe how the former can help the latter to offer a more profound cinematic experience to its audiences!